The Dos and Don’ts of Using Ais

Find out how to maximise these revolutionary tools to the fullest.
The Dos and Don’ts of Using Ais

No matter what industry or niche you find yourself in, it can be tempting to use this resource to get a leg up over your competitors. While this can be a great way to save both time and energy, we want you to gain an understanding of how to use this technology responsibly and effectively.


  1. Understand Explainability

AIs are all built on a variety of systems that each have their own way of taking apart information (input), processing that with instructions (parameters), and producing a desired result (output). Depending on your purpose of using that AI, and the guidelines you set for it, it will produce a select number of by-products for you to choose from.

Always strive for AI models that are not only explainable, but also transparent. This means selecting a system that clearly states the way it works, and how it arrives at certain decisions or recommendations. This is critical in ensuring that by-products align with the values of your business.

  1. Verify Data Quality

Data really comes into play when “training” your AI- this means building up a knowledge base for your software to draw upon that is both sound and accurate. Make sure that any data your AI of choice is using is diverse and complete, as biassed or incomplete datasets can cause substandard outputs. A great way to do this is to ensure that you or your software of choice conducts regular audits and updates, to maintain the quality as well as diversity of datasets.

OUR TOP TIP: It’s always worth having a look at “Terms of Use” and taking the extra 10-15 minutes to clear out your cache after using an online AI software.


  1. Neglect Privacy & Security

Never compromise when it comes to the use of sensitive information, may it be for yourself or for your business. You can do this by making sure the software you use has policies in place to protect this information, uses appropriate encryption measures, and adheres to data protection regulations.

Safeguard the security of your workflow by consistently conducting audits to find irregularities with data collection and preprocessing. Regularly monitor and evaluate how you are training your AI, and also what kind of outputs you are receiving from it as a result to pick up any discrepancies as soon as possible.

  1. Forget Continuous Learning

AI is a continuously evolving field, with models becoming outdated or biassed over time. Stay on the front foot with these technologies by keeping in the loop with different updates and patches. We recommend subscribing to a variety of newsletters from different sources (to avoid bias in information) and researching new methods to train your specific AI models to ensure fairness, accuracy and relevance.

Regardless of where and how you have been exposed to AI, one thing is for certain- this technology is here to stay. Leverage on the power of this resource with our Dos and Don’ts, to minimise the risks and maximise potential benefits involved. Ultimately, this is a tool that is fantastic for creating value and enhancing experiences.

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